Welcome to Year 5's Class page
Year 5 have adopted the Gospel value & virtue of 'forgiveness' and 'generosity'.
Forgiveness - Matthew 6:12
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
When we forgive, we should not forget and hold a grudge.
Generosity - Proverbs 11:17
Those who are generous are their own benefactors.
The generous person is the one who thinks of others, the one who can forgive without resentment.
Generosity does not make distinctions, generosity opens our heart and enriches us.
Welcome to Year 5
Miss Brown (Class Teacher) and Miss Kelly (Teaching Assistant)
We are looking forward to the busy, challenging and exciting year ahead. The children will study a wide and varied curriculum in the classroom, enhanced by many trips, which will truly make their learning come to life. These trips will include: becoming an Anglo-Saxon or Viking for the day at Tatton Hall Park; a trip to the Maritime Museum to enhance our history topic of the 'unsinkable' Titanic; a morning under the stars in the Planetarium, followed by an artistic afternoon in the Walker Art Gallery; and a scientific day a Brockholes Nature Reserve.
Throughout the year, the children will encounter many rewarding challenges as they begin their journey through Upper Key Stage 2. They will continue to work hard in all areas of the curriculum and grow more independent in their learning.
Thank you for working with us to support your child with their online homework tasks. As always, if you have any concerns, or would simply like to talk about your child's learning, please do not hesitate to make an appointment via the school office.
I look forward to watching the children flourish and grow.
Miss Brown
Home-School Partnership
A commitment to home learning is vital in helping to hone the skills that help children to access all areas of the curriculum. Throughout the course of the year, we will gradually increase the homework requirements, in line with class teaching of new concepts. As the children journey through Upper Key Stage 2, one our main aims is for the children to develop independence. Children will be required to organise themselves to ensure they know exactly when set homework is due in to be marked - this (ideally) includes organising their own books and bags!
PE kits must be worn to school on Mondays whilst it is our swimming sessions, and on Fridays ready for the afternoon PE lesson.
Homework - Autumn 1 Half-Term
Children are expected to establish and maintain a daily routine which consists of Reading, Spelling and Multiplication/Division Practise:
TimesTablesRockstars - 5 to 10 minutes practice (playing in both Garage and Studio)
SpellingFrame - practise and test on the given spelling rule (practise, before taking a 'test' each time)
Read Theory - two tests of 75% or above (paying close attention to the explanations given for incorrect answers)