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Welcome to Reception



Reception Class has adopted the Gospel value & virtue of 'peace' and 'thankfulness'.

Peace - Matthew 5:9

Blessed are the peacemakers, they shall be called children of God.

Thankfulness- Psalm 104:33

I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to God while I live.

This psalm is a song of thankfulness to our God.

Class information:


The school gate is open from 8.45 until 8.55am. Miss Connolly will greet your child at the gate and we encourage the children to walk along the short path into school independently.

The children all stay for lunch. We would like to encourage as many children as we can to try the free school meals which are cooked on our premises by our kitchen staff. We will help the children to make their meal choices and to cut up the food on their plates.

The school day will finish at 3.10pm. Please come down the path to collect your child at the Classroom door.


Thursday - PE day - Children to come to school dressed in their PE kit (Green school T-shirt, green shorts, pumps or trainers with velcro.) They will wear their PE kit all day in school. You may provide jogging pants if the weather is cold.


Snack - We provide fruit/vegetables at play time for children. We try to encourage the children to try a range of healthy foods.


Tissues - Please could you provide a box of tissues. You will be surprised how many tissues the children go through each week! However, it is important that we keep germs away and we teach the children to catch their sneezes and wipe their noses.


Water bottles - Please could your child bring a water bottle (clearly labelled with their name) each day to school. We will keep it topped up with water when it gets empty. We encourage the children to drink plenty of water each day. (No juice or fizzy drinks).


Names on jumpers/cardigans - Please could you ensure that your child's name is clearly labelled on their school jumpers and cardigans. Please make sure your child knows where their name is so they will be able to spot it when they put their jumper or cardigan on in school. The iron-on, sew-on or sticky labels are much longer lasting than writing names with a biro which washes off. (In the past, some parents have sewn a coloured button on the inside of the jumper, on the tag, so that their child can clearly identify their jumper!)


Book bags - Please bring book bags to school on Wednesdays to collect new reading books. (After the reading meeting on 27/9/23)

Summer term - Kings and Queens topic and Robins nesting in our outdoor area

Chicks - There were some eggs in school when we returned on Monday. By Wednesday they had started to crack and by Wednesday afternoon we had 4 little chicks. On Thursday we arrived at school to find 8 fluffy little chicks!

Imagine That - Role play village

Celebrating the epiphany by making crowns

Maths and Phonics

Mr Hutson showed us what he does with the grit/salt to stop us slipping on the ice

Mud Kitchen

Panto & Christmas Parties

Winter Weather - Exploring the cold temperature and ice this week

Hammers and nails - our funky fingers activity for this week. We made some lovely patterns and pictures!

Learning about Remembrance Day

Diwali - We made Rangoli Patterns and Lights

Autumn fun - Pumpkins, Leaf people, Crowns and sharing our Autumn bags

Our topic this half term is Transport. We have been looking at the tracks on different wheels and making prints using paint.

People who help us - Continuous Provision

Making God's World

Autumn Maths - Making Patterns

Creation and Covenant - We know how to make the sign of the cross.

Our families - we have been looking at photos, drawing pictures and using pebbles to show our families.

Myself - We can label the different parts of our bodies.

Myself - We used mirrors to look at our faces and we talked about our hair colour and eye colour - we are all unique!

Funky fingers - We have daily activities aimed at improving our fine motor skills. Here's a couple from the past week - Dough Disco. Hanging washing on the line with small pegs. Building with the small bricks. Using tweezers to pick up objects.

Continuous Provision

Creation and Covenant - We used the small world resources and the art resources to create God's World. God created the world and said, "Indeed it is very good" (Genesis 1:31)

Phonics activities - s,a,t,p & I,n,m,d
