Meet the Teacher presentation, shared 9th October 2020.
Please take the time to use the following link to access Mr Perree's presentation:
Alternatively, you can access the presentation by viewing the PDF document below.
Google Classroom is a platform we have introduced purposefully as a method of communicating work (and all things Year 6) between school staff and children. As we move through the autumn term, it is expected that pupils should be able to upload their own work and respond to teacher comments independently.
As always, St. Gregory's staff want to work in partnership with families to ensure the best possible experience and outcomes for our children. If parents have any queries etc, they may contact Mrs King via the school office, who will be more than willing to help or would arrange a telephone appointment. Alternatively, you might wish to email, where I will do my best to respond as swiftly as possible, within school opening hours.
Thank you!