Year Four Class has adopted the British Value of 'Democracy'.
Throughout the year, we will be learning about this value and how important it is in our society.
As Y4 class teacher I will be working hard to ensure each child thoroughly enjoys their time in Year 4 both from an academic and social point of view. I am very much looking forward to working in partnership with parents and family to facilitate a wide range of exciting and personalised learning opportunities, aimed at stretching the children's skills and abilities in all areas of the curriculum. Here at St. Gregory's Catholic Primary School, we strive to help each and every child maximise their potential and achieve highly. As always, we will be preparing children with the essential life-skills needed to succeed as they move toward upper KS2 and prepare for the transition in to Secondary School. The hard work doesn’t just stop at 3:30pm though! I am a firm believer that in order for children to excel it is vital that they are working hard and taking ownership of their learning at home too. It would be extremely beneficial if in small bursts at home, children could be practising; times tables (starting with basics and gradually working up to x 12!); spellings; writing (both composition and transcription); and, reading! Practising little and often will consolidate learning and increase both your child’s ability and their confidence.
Summer Term
Spring Summary
Wow! What a term we have had in Year 4! The chidren welcomed Miss Hoyle, who is training to be a teacher, into their class with open arms and worked hard to achieve throughout. We now wish Miss Hoyle a very successful end of her training as she moves across to Northway Primary.
Whilst children have been working hard in class to continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematics and developing their writing, particularly their use of Y4 objectives including drafting, editing and improving, the highlight of the term is most definiely our residential trip to London! The children behaved exceptionally well which was noted not only by St. Gregory's Staff but all of the adults we met in education sessions thourhgout our journey. Children were able to put in to practise their knowledge of 'Why [is] London such a cool place to live[?]', they contextualised their Historical learning from Autumn on Crime and Punishment and the Norman Conquest, and watched Matilda the Musical which they had been reading right up until the day before we travelled. Alongside the endless educational benefits, the children developed social, independent, communication and general life-skills preparing them for the future. I cannot thank all of the children and their families for the support throughout the trip and in the build up- it was your understanding and support which enabled our residential to be as successful as it was. I would also like to draw your attention to the increadible staff who helped your children throughout with consistent commitment, effort and initiative: Mrs Albon, Mrs Kearney, Miss Connolly and Miss Riley - thank you!
The children have now taken home their Easter cards which leaves me to say have a happy and holy Easter holiday!
Autumn 2 Summary
It's hard to believe that we're 2/6 (equivalent fraction?) of the way through our year already! We had a very busy half-term together as we built upon the foundations laid over Autumn 1. We have extended our knowledge in all areas of the curriculum focussing on inceasing number fluency, vocabulary effectiveness, SPaG skill and writing composition and handwriting. As always, problem-solving and reasoning was a major part of our classroom learning and children are really building the resilience needed to tackle complex problems with confidence. I was incredibly impressed with the respect and creativity shown as we delved deeper into wartime poems and transferred the emotions into our own clay poppies. Children also thoroughly enjoyed learning all out the Norman Conquest and how William the Conqueror beat Harold Godwinson and Harald Hardrada to the throne! Hopefullly you're finding the half-termly gallery useful too.
Autumn 1 Summary
Wow! Can you believe we've already completed 1/6 of our school year? Time is flying and that's being accelerated because of the enormous amount of fun we're having! The children have settled very well having recapped prior learning and have made some strong steps forward towards their end of year objectives.
This half-term saw us analysing 'The Butterfly Lion' by Michael Morpurgo where we wrote letters in role, reported on major events within the story, wrote a diary entry as a character, reviewed the book and acted out several of our favourite scenes. Within maths, we have been focussing on developing our 'sense of number' before introducing formal methods for recording our calculations, all the while building in problems where children have to develop problem-solving and reasoning skills. We have powered our way through much creative work this half-term by studying Crime & Punishment through the ages, drawing using symmetry, painting using knowledge of colour theory and designing and creating our own games using Scratch. Adding to all of this, Miss Brown has been working with us to develop our understanding of Sound. Wow! How did we manage to fit it all in? What a super exciting half-term we've had; it's only going to get better...