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Year 3

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Year Three Class has adopted the British Value of 'Courage'.
Throughout the summer term, we will be learning about this value and how we can use it to achieve great things.



During the month of May we have started our Greek topic. So far we have looked at Greek food and Greek Mythologies. We enjoyed preparing our own pot of Tzatziki, and I know the children are very excited about our Year 3 Masterchef on Friday. Our maths lessons have continued to cover a range of topics including telling the time, measure and data handling. Science this half term has been all about the human body, including bones and muscles. During Come and See we have been studying what happened during Pentecost and what it means to use today. The children have begun Orienteering with Mrs. jackson and of course we have started going swimming. 



Due to the Easter holidays we have only spent a short amount of time together this month in class. After finishing The Tudors, we now move on to our last 3 topics of the year, The Industrial Revolution, Greece and finally Volcanoes. In the middle of May we will be heading off on our final trip of the year to Speke Hall. Just to give you an update of what we have been and will be covering over the coming weeks, in maths we are looking at adding and subtracting money, telling the time, roman numerals and fractions. Last week we spent a week studying The Industrial Revolution, including important inventions and looking at the art of Lowry. Over the next 4-5 weeks we will be studying Greece, including Greek Mythology and modern day Greece. Our science topic is The Human Body, so we will be looking at the skeleton, muscles, joints and the anatomy of animals. During our PE lessons we are continuing with cricket, along with orienteering. Our RE topic for the next 3 weeks is learning about Pentecost.



After our trip to Crosby Hall, the children have been spending time in the past week writing up their diaries. We are continuing to work on our Tudor topic, including this week writing up a persuasive pitch for selling our Tudor home. In the coming weeks we will be studying Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci, and looking at the Tower of London and the execution of Anne Boleyn and Sir Walter Raleigh. In the past few weeks in maths we have been studing measure (including volme of liquids and the weight of objects). Last week we were studing fractions. Coming up over the next few weeks we will be working on our mental maths skills including adding and subtracting numbers in our heads, we will also be studing data handling including tables and charts. I'm really pleased with the effort going into our times tables, keep it up. In our PE lessons we have started to practise our cricket skills including batting, bowling and throwing.



February is already proving to be an exciting month for year 3 as we have just begun our new topic 'The Terrible Tudors.' So far we have learnt about The Battle of Bosworth and looked at Tudor inventions. It is not long now until our over night stay at Crosby Hall, I'm sure the children will thoroughly enjoy it. In maths we have started to look at multiplication and division, and more recently we have started studying adding up money and calculating the change. This week we will be moving on to studing angles. Our science topic this half term has been about light and shadows whilst in PE we have been continuing with gymnastics, but are now ready to move on to dance. May I once again take this opportunity to really try and push reading, spellings and times tables at home, they really are the building blocks for the children to succeed.


Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break and a happy new year. I would like to first of all take this opportunity to say a massive thank you for the generous gifts I was given for Christmas, I was thrilled. We now move into our Spring term, an exciting time for us all. Firstly we will begin our second topic of the year. As we wave goodbye to Roald Dahl, we say hello to The Tudors. I absolutely love teaching The Tudors, I am sure the children will find this topic both exciting and interesting. This term is very important because we are reaching the half way point of year 3, it is an important time for the children to really up their game, and work hard both in class and at home. It is now only 6 weeks until our overnight residential stay at Crosby Hall.


This month will be extremely busy in Year 3 due to the Christmas Play and the pantomine. We started off this month by completing a piece of work about a country from around the world. The children were given a country, they then had to use an ipad to research the country and present their findings in an information sheet. Our next and sadly the final chapter to our Roald Dahl topic brings us back round to one of the first books we looked at - Revolting Rhymes. We have looking at how Roald Dahl took a seemingly innocent fairy tale and twisted it so that the characters personalities changed. Therefore the children have been given a similar task, to write a famous fairy tale but with a huge twist, the goodies are now the baddies and the baddies are the goodies. In maths we have been studying fractions and we are due to move on to telling the time next. Please could you just spend a little bit of time talking to the children about time and looking at clocks and watches.


During our first week back after half term the children worked extremely hard to get their chocolate projects finished. This involved filming and editing their TV adverts, not to mention cook their chocolate bars and write a presentation speech. Also during our first week back we began learning how to solve take away sums. We learnt two different ways to solve these calculations including column subtraction and number line. Our science topic this half term is linked to nutrition for both humans and animals. Finally our PE topic this term is gymnastics.
This past week we celebrated our War Day in remembrance to the fallen soldiers from World War I and II. Throughout the day the children enjoyed a hands on experience of life in the trenches. This includes experiencing the sounds and feelings, the food they would have eaten and the physical training the soldiers would have undergone. They also participated in activities including playing card games and learning embroidery which were popular past times when the soldiers were moved away from the front line. Finally the children got to hold a maggot and put their feet in freezing water, this was to help them appreciate the misery and difficulties these soldiers faced on a daily basis.


This past week we have been looking at the story of Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. The children have been set a project which should last up to 2 weeks. They are working as part of a group to design and create their own chocolate for Willy Wonka's factory. This will entail creating a name, slogan, wrapper, choosing ingredients and filming a TV advert.    
During our maths lessons we have moved on to studying measure. We have started with measuring length using cm and mm.

Finally over the past week we have been investigating which cape material would be most suitable for Superman (as his has been stolen). The children were told that because of his super powers, he needed a cape which would offer air resistance and slow him down. 

This week during our English lessons the children became Crime Scene Detectives. When the children arrived first thing on Monday morning they were greeted by the shocking news that Mr. Twit had vanished. Over the next 4-5 days the children investigated the crime scene with their partners. They read and listened to evidence, as well as examined clues left behind.
Who could do such a terrible thing?

We are just over three weeks in and now, and I would like to give you all a little update report. During our maths lessons we have been learning how to use column addition to add up. We have also studied number bonds and counting up in 10 from different numbers. Our English lessons are focused upon the books of Roald Dahl. So far we are halfway through the Twits, and we have used the book to produce some interesting pieces of writing, including a character description and an interview. 

Welcome parents, family, friends and children to the Year 3 class webpage. As class teacher I hope that your child enjoys the school year in both an academic and social sense. I am and will be working extremely hard to help your child achieve their maximum potential throughout the year. I am very much looking forward to working alongside yourselves as a partnership in improving the children's skills across all areas of the curriculum. This year is very important as the children are beginning to make strides towards their SATS and secondary school. Therefore it is vital that the children are working hard outside of school, this means the children practising their times tables, calculation skills, spellings, writing and reading skills. I truly believe that the extra work they do at home makes all the difference. If you would like to speak to me or ask any further questions don't hesitate to pop to the office and ask for me.
Kind regards
Mr. Lea