General Information:
Come and See
Please see our 'Catholic Life' webpage to explore the range of religious topics your children will be immersed in throughout the year.
Sports Kit will be required in school every Wednesday. We ask that you wash the P.E kit and return it as soon as possible and it is likely that the children will participate in further sports activities on Friday afternoons. Swimming will begin around Christmas time and continue until just before the February half-term. A letter detailing kit requirements will be sent out closer to the time.
Each Friday, children will receive a new homework task to be returned the following Friday. Set homework will consist of weekly spellings, English Grammar, Maths, Geography and research of a famous person/place/monument. This year, children have been given a homework book to be treated an a 'Homework Scrapbook'; children may present their work within their scrapbook as creatively as they wish through sticking tissue paper, printing pictures etc. Please be aware that the homework set on a Friday is a minimum; it is likely that as the following week's work progresses, children will receive extra reinforcement tasks, all of which must be handed in with the remainder of homework on the Friday.
Whilst some children will still remain on a Reading Log for the duration of the year, I have introduced a 'Book Bingo' (see below). Book Bingo is aimed at broadening the children's range of literature and increasing their love of text. There is no set rules for the Bingo as long as they: read the whole text, 'prove' to an adult at home that they have read it through detailed description, get their card signed by an adult at home and then bring it to me to be marked off. There will be prizes for those who complete a 'line' and a 'full house'.
Please still encourage your children to continue to access Abacus ( where I will be sending them many helpful resources and games to practise their maths calculation skills, problem solving and reasoning.