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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


Class Teacher: Miss Connolly

Classroom Assistant: Miss Riley


Year 1 have adopted the Gospel value & virtue of 'friendship' and 'hope'.

Friendship - John 15:15

Jesus said: I do not call you servants any more because a servant does not know what his master is doing. I speak to you as friends because I have told you everything that my Father has told me.

God wants to be your friend, give you good advice, and to be close to you when you need him.

Hope - Ephesians 1:2

Let us, who were first to hope in the Lord, praise God's glory!

Everybody has hope in something; the people who believe in God hope to see God one day.

Year 1 Curriculum Overview 2021 - 2022

Class information:

Monday & Thursday - PE day - Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit.


Wednesday - Book bag day - Children will receive 2 new reading books every Wednesday. Please ensure children bring their bags on this day to change the books over.


Friday - Homework - Children will be given either a piece of Maths or English homework on a Friday. This will be set via Class Dojos. 


Online activities

Spelling Frame

New spellings will be set on Spelling Frame every Friday. We do not have a spelling test in class, but we encourage children to learn these spellings at home and complete the online activities and test on Spelling Frame. (Logins will be sent home next week!)




Dinosaur Wheelies

Easter - Stations of the Cross

Christmas cards that we made for each other as part of our RE topic

Making salt dough Christmas decorations

Hot Chocolate & Marshmallows in the outdoor classroom

A snake shed its skin...


We have been counting forwards and backwards to 20, and representing numbers in different ways.

Autumn paintings & classroom activities

PE - Multi skills in the sunshine!

We've had some strange goings on in Year 1....
