Home Page

Year 3

Circle of Life

Grasslands Chant

I Just Can't Wait to be King

Be Prepared

They Live In You

The Mourning

The Stampede

Hakuna Matata


Can You Feel The Love Tonight

He Lives In You


Welcome to Year 3


Class Teacher: Miss Moores

Classroom Teaching Assistants: Mrs Richardson & Mrs Hynes


We have a very exciting year ahead of us with a wide, varied curriculum, enhanced by stimulating school trips to support learning. Of course a real highlight is the residential trip to Chet! Throughout the year we will be developing our reading, comprehension, spelling, grammar and maths skills, whilst continuing to flourish in our sporting, music, art, Spanish and computer opportunities. There are also opportunities for children to be a part of our school, digital and sports council. 


Year 3- your child's first year in Key Stage Two- is a very special year to grow in independence, confidence and kindness. This year we encourage children to take more responsibility and become more independent learners so that they are able to make decisions for themselves which will help to prepare them for challenges in life.


It is with great pleasure that I wish you all a happy 2021/2022 academic year, and I express my enthusiasm in being able to teach your children. I look forward to working with families to best support the development of your children, and I thank you for your commitment to encouraging regular reading and extra home learning.




Year 3 have adopted the Gospel value & virtue of 'confidence' and 'honesty'.

Confidence - Psalm 70:2

O God, come to my rescue; make haste to help me!

Many times, when we feel lost, or in difficulty, we ask help from someone we know will lend a hand.

In this psalm, David asks the Lord to help him be confident.

Honesty - Proverbs 16:8

Better to have little and be fair than to have too much and be dishonest.

The proverb tells us to be honest and to earn things honestly.


Year 3 Curriculum Overview 2021 - 2022

Year 3 Class Information (Routines and Homework)


Reading books- Monday

Children will bring home two new reading books on Monday each week. Please date and sign your child's reading journal and return books every Monday. 


Spelling Frame - 5/10 minutes each day

The children will have a Spelling Quiz every Friday.


Times Table Rockstars - 5/10 minutes each day

Playing in both Garage and Studio. 


Additional Homework

Additional homework may be given to the children to support their learning of current Maths or English topics. Topic homework may be given during half term holidays. Homework will be collected in on Mondays, along with reading books.


PE - Monday

Children are to come to school dressed in their PE kit ready for our PE lesson each Monday.

CHET Information PowerPoint

Stone Age Antler Headdresses

Trip to the Pantomime to see Cinderella!

We used spices and herbs to make our own paint for our 'Prehistoric Art' topic.

Christmas Wreaths
