Welcome to Nursery
Mrs R Fidler (Nursery Teacher)
Mrs C Gee (Nursery Nurse)
Ms T Russell (Maternity cover teacher)
Miss C Riley (Teaching Assistant)
Miss A Brown (Teaching Assistant)
Nursery Class has adopted the Gospel value & virtue of 'happiness' and 'beauty'.
Happiness - Ephesians 6:2-3
The commandment that ends with a promise is: Honour your father and your mother so that you may live a happy life.
St. Paul reminds us, in his letter to the Ephesians, that those who honour their father and their mother will have a happy life.
Beauty - Psalm 8:3-4
When I look up at the heavens, the moon and the stars you set firm - what are we that you think of us: we are so small, yet you care for us.
Think about the world around us. Notice the beauty of the trees and the flowers, of all the different people and animals. Look up at the sky and the clouds: the sun in the daytime and the moon and stars at night.
Nursery Class have adopted the British Value of 'Friendship'.
Throughout the Nursery year, we will be learning to become good friends.