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Emotional Health and Wellbeing

At St.Gregory's we recognise that children's mental health and well being is just as important as their learning.


  • Emotional  – is the ability to be resilient, being able to manage your emotions 
  • Physical well being – is the ability to improve the functioning of your body through healthy eating and good exercise 
  • Social well being – is the ability to communicate, develop meaningful relationships with others 


We offer the following to support all our children:


  • SALT (Speech and Language Therapy) -  Our school Speech and Language Therapist supports individual children and their families with targeted sessions and resources for both in school and at home
  • Play Therapy - A social and emotional wellbeing programme
  • Counselling - An intensive programme of counselling sessions, flexible and adapted to each individual child's needs
  • Mindfulness Yoga Programmes - A developmental programme of Yoga for all children in Key Stage 2
  • Healthy Living Partnership Programme - A tailored programme for all children from Nursery to Year 6, including healthy food choices, healthy habits and physical movement 
  • Intervention Teaching - Providing timely support for all children, including those with additional needs
  • External Agencies - School Nurse, Behaviour Support Specialist, SWACA (Sefton's Women's and Children's Aid) Workshops,  


Democracy in Action

Our children have opportunities to participate actively in meaningful decision-making by being involved in school council, head/deputy boy and girl and prefects. We also offer many extra curricular activities, promoting well being through both mental and physical activities; the selection of activities available to all children are carefully selected to ensure they are broad, balanced and appeal to all.


Having a Buddy scheme with Year 6 children, encourages a smooth transition for new children joining our Reception class. 


Providing healthy food options to children encourages healthier lifestyles. 






Parent and Family Support

As well as providing essential support for all our children, we recognise the important part school plays in supporting the whole family. 
