Class Teacher: Mr J Perree
Year Four Class has adopted the British Value of 'Democracy'.
Throughout the summer term, we will be learning about this value and how important it is in our society.
This is it, we are now in the final term of Year 4, can you believe how quickly the year is going? Mrs Kearney & I are extremely proud of the progress the children of Year 4 are making, let's keep that up in the final term to give the children the best possible start to Year 5!
We have an extremely busy term ahead of us. We will continue to work on developing our core knowledge in Mathematics through extending, using and applying our skills. Children will be securing their mathematical knowledge and understanding solving and developing word problems. Year 4 are extremely fortuante to be taking part in the 'Take One Picture' scheme which will provide a basis for Writing and Spoken English. Children will be participating in a range of cross-curricular activities to stimulate the mind and inspire written and dramatic activites. Our focus for reading is Cressida Cowell's 'How To Train Your Dragon' where we will be participating in a range of speaking and comprehension activities to ensure understaning and confidence in speaking and responding. As aforementioned, we are lucky enough to be a part of the 'Take One Picture' scheme in collaboration with Liverpool Walker Art and the National Gallery. Creative topics will see us analysing the stunning 'An Encore Too Many' painting by James Barraud and produce our own take on his work as either a recreation or a unique piece inspired by Barraud.the work of Year 4 will be exhibited in the Walker Art Gallery from 13th July 2015 to 6th September 2015. The gallery is free to the public and we therefore recommend that you grasp and share in this specially unique opportunity with your child by visiting their work in the gallery.
I'm sure you will agree we have an extremely busy and exciting term ahead of us and I look forward to sharing in it with you, making life-long memories.
Mr P :)
20th June - First Holy Communion and Confirmation
10th July - 'Come and Play with Halle' at Bridgewater Hall, Manchester
13th July - Take One Picture exhibition opens
21st July - Break for Summer Holidays!
The children are busy creating scrapbooks of their adventure to answer the question 'Why is London such a cool place to live?'.
A special THANK YOU to all of our wonderful parents who contributed so generously to provide the supervising adults with such a lovely gift. We were completely shocked and overwhelmed, you really didn't have to. Thank you!!
First Holy Communion & Sacrament of Confirmation
Congratulations to the children of Year 4 who made their First Holy Communion and sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday 20th of June. We all agreed it was a beautiful service; you represented your school and families incredibly well. The congregation were truly moved by your singing, actions and commitment to your faith. I, alongside all of your adults in school are extremely happy to be sharing in your life and faith journey.
'May the blessing of God be upon you...
May God keep you safe when you are in danger.
May God guide you in the way of love.
May God support you in danger or hardship.
May God lift up your heart when you are feeling low.
May God comfort you when you are feeling lonely.
May God give you strength when you are weak.
May God bring you home when you are lost.
May God surround you with loving care, always and forever.
You are holy, you are chosen, you are loved, you are blessed.
St. Gregory, pray for us.
As mentioned above, homework is vitally important in ensuring children become confident and competent users of a wide range of skills, further consolidating classroom learning. Here in Year 4 we do things slightly differently. Tasks will be set out in two sections; a) Must do tasks b) Can do/choice tasks, both will be based upon our classroom learning. Homework will usually be given out on a Friday and should be returned at the latest of 2 weeks after distribution. Valid reasons for missing homework deadlines must be provided in writing or children may be at risk of sacrificing parts of their break-time to catch-up!
Please see the subpage below for the fortnightly tasks and photographs of any work produced. Thank you!
Blogging will be a big part of our classroom this year. We will all receive our own login details for our blog where we will be able to publish our work, comment on the work of our peers and share our activities with a global audience! How exciting?! For more information on 'Blogging', please see the sub-page below. Alternatively you can go straight there now! Copy in to your search bar or scan the QR Code at the top of this page!