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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 


Teacher - Mrs L. Thompson 


Teaching Assistant - Miss H. Richardson




Year 2 have adopted the Gospel value & virtue of 'love' and 'respect'.

Love - Acts 9:36

                        In Joppa, there was a woman named Tabitha, who was a believer. (Her name in Greek was Dorcas, meaning 'a deer').                                               She spent all her time doing good and helping the poor. Dorcas had many friends, she made clothes for people in need and she liked to help them.                                                                               The whole town loved Dorcas because she loved her people.

Respect - 1 Peter 3:15-16

When you are called to give an account of your hope, answer with gentleness and respect, and with a clear conscience. In ancient Greece, people were considered to be intelligent when they were able to defend their ideas respectfully, having pondered them in a reflective way.

Year 2 Class Information (Routines and Homework)


Wednesday - Bookbags

Children bring home two books each Wednesday to be returned the following Wednesday. Please date and sign your child's reading card.


Thursday -  PE and Spelling Quiz 

Children are to come to school dressed in their PE kit for our PE lesson each Thursday.

The children have a Spelling Quiz each Thursday based upon the spellings set on Spelling Frame. Please complete the online Spelling Frame activities at home ready for Thursday. 


Friday - Homework

Children are given English or Maths homework each Friday to be handed in the following Wednesday with reading books. 

Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2021 - 2022

Year 2- New Beginnings
