Blogging gives children a purpose to write in a forum where they are easily able to share things with you at home, please do add any comments and feedback, comments or ideas for improvement are always welcomed. When commenting, in line with the children’s e-safety guidelines detailed below and in e-Safety lessons, please use only first names or family titles for example ‘Joe’s mum’.
Quadblogging: What is it?
A blog needs an audience to keep it alive! Too often blogs wither away leaving learners frustrated and bored. Quadblogging will give us a truly authentic and global audience that will visit our blog, leave comments and return on a cycle. We do this by teaming up with four primary schools across the globe named as a 'Quad'. Each week one of the four blogs is the focus blog with the other three schools visiting, commenting and leaving learners enthused during that week. The Quad take turns throguhout the 4 week period before the cycle is then repeated.
Watch the children of Year 4 work harder than ever in order to get their work seen by the world!
To help us share our work and ideas correctly, stay safe and enjoy our blogging, there are some simple rules we must follow:
Never give out any personal details on any blogs or comments. Only first names should be used.
Think before you type! Your blogs and comments should show off your skills, always try to use correct sentences packed with punctuation and oozing with great ideas!
Be considerate! We will treat visitors to our blog just as if they were in our classroom, we will be welcoming and polite!
Keep your comments relevant – our blog is open to the world!
If you notice any comments which do not follow our ‘Blogging Rules’ then you must report it to Mr Perree at the very earliest opportunity!