Welcome to Reception Class
with Mrs McDonnell & Mrs Groves
Reception Class has adopted the Gospel value & virtue of 'peace' and 'thankfulness'.
Peace - Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers, they shall be called children of God.
Thankfulness- Psalm 104:33
I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to God while I live.
This psalm is a song of thankfulness to our God.
In Reception Class, we like to have lots of fun whilst we learn.
Our class motto is: 'We try to be kind and helpful to others'.
We aim for every child to feel happy and safe in school.
We like good behaviour, good manners and kindness.
Reception Class has also adopted the British value of 'Helpfulness'.
Throughout this Reception year, we will be looking for ways in which
we can be helpful to each other in school and at home.
We hope your child really enjoys their Reception year at St. Gregory's!
Best wishes,
Mrs McDonnell (Class teacher/Deputy Headteacher) & Mrs Groves (Teaching Assistant)
Autumn Dates for your diary...
Thursday 10th October - The Everyman Theatre performance of Julia Donaldson's 'Tabby McTat'
Friday 20th September - Welcome Assembly at 9.15am in the Hall (All Reception parents/Grandparents are invited to come along!)
Tuesday 17th September - Reading Meeting for Reception Parents at 6pm in the Hall
Friday 13th September - All the children will take part in a sponsored walk in the afternoon on our school field.
Healthy Lunch Week - this week! Talk to your child about making healthy choices with their food.