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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 


Teacher - Mrs L. Thompson 


Teaching Assistant - Miss H. Richardson


Teaching Assistant- Mrs K. Hynes


Year 2 have adopted the Gospel value & virtue of 'love' and 'respect'.

Love - Acts 9:36

                        In Joppa, there was a woman named Tabitha, who was a believer. (Her name in Greek was Dorcas, meaning 'a deer').                                               She spent all her time doing good and helping the poor. Dorcas had many friends, she made clothes for people in need and she liked to help them.                                                                               The whole town loved Dorcas because she loved her people.

Respect - 1 Peter 3:15-16

When you are called to give an account of your hope, answer with gentleness and respect, and with a clear conscience. In ancient Greece, people were considered to be intelligent when they were able to defend their ideas respectfully, having pondered them in a reflective way.

Remote Learning 

Stardust Plot Point 4 14/01/2021

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Spellings 11/12 13/01/2021

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Spellings -le 13/01/2021

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Stardust Plot Point 3 12/01/2021

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11/1/21 Y2 Creative Writing Lesson  

Plot point 2 ‘Stardust’

One day, Mabel’s sister found mum’s missing wedding ring and everyone called her a star.

(keys,  phone)


Mum smiled and hugged Mabel’s sister.

(clapped, cheered)


Mabel sighed and wiped away a tear.

(frowned, looked at the floor)

Plot Point 2 Stardust (Compressed).mp4

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Spag Lesson 07/01/2021

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Stardust Lesson 1 06/01/2021

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KS1 Presents 'Christmas with the Aliens'

Year 2 are very proud to present our Christmas nativity play - 'Christmas with the Aliens'. Enjoy!

Autumn Term First Half

Our Year Two Class have been busy settling into their daily routine, enjoying spending time with their friends and working hard! The Year Two staff are enjoying getting to know your child and we've already had lots of fun with our learning.  


Homework and Class Routines

Reading Books: Children read a guided reading book twice weekly in school. A message on Dojo will include the Book title and a comment. Books to be sent home as soon as we are able to do so. Oxford Reading Owl to supplement home reading.

Spelling and phonics: Spelling Frame words to be added each Friday for our 'Thursday' quiz the following week.

Maths/English homework to be set each Friday which supports your child's learning in school.


Curriculum Information (Autumn 1)

English: Class Books for reading and writing; Not Now Bernard by David McKee, Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown, Katie Morag Island Stories by Mairie Hedderwick and Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper. We will also read topic based books, poetry and recommended books for Year two.

Maths: Place Value and addition/subtraction.

Come and See (RE): New Beginnings, Awe and Wonder Week, Signs and Symbols (continues after half term).

Science: What makes us healthy? 

Geography: A study of The Isle of Coll (linked to the Katie Morag stories), British Seas and Coasts.

Computing: Digital Literacy, Citizenship and eSafety.

Art and Design: Beach and Seascapes (drawing/painting).

Design Technology: 3D model from Katie Morag Stories (Fictional Isle of Struay)

Music: Charanga music scheme

PE: Multi-skills, Active Gymnastics.



Autumn 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser

We teach the information on the knowledge organiser as part of our curriculum in school. Please use this at home with your child to reinforce learning and vocabulary.


Thank you for your support, Mrs Thompson and the Year Two Staff
Websites to support your child's learning

Autumn 2 Spelling Quiz

Pumpkin Celebrations

Year 2 visit from Mounted Police

Art in Year 2
