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Welcome to Nursery


Nursery Class have adopted the British Value of 'Friendship'.
Throughout the Nursery year, we will be learning to become good friends


Having fun at Sports Day

World book day!

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year.
Over the last half term we have been looking at winter.

St Gregory’s Nursery

Stars of the week

Every week two children will be chosen to be ‘stars of the week’. They will receive a sticker and a certificate and their photograph will be displayed in the cloakroom. Their achievements will then be shared in our Foundation Stage assembly each Thursday.

Voluntary Contribution

We ask for a voluntary contribution of £1 a week, collected on a Monday. Please put your contribution in a small envelope labelled with your child’s name. All contributions are greatly appreciated as they are used for additional Nursery resources.

Library Books

Following the half term break the children will each choose a nursery library book to take home. They will take their book home in their own labelled wallet. This is an opportunity for you to share a book together, and encourage your child’s enthusiasm to read. We have spent the past half term teaching children how to handle books appropriately and would encourage this to be continued at home. Library books will be changed every Tuesday. Please remember to return your child’s library book each week so your child can select another book.

Magical Moments

We will shortly be handing out slips of paper entitle ‘Magical Moments’. This is an opportunity for you to share your child’s personal achievements so that we can celebrate them together! Please feel free to take additional slips from the cloakroom area, and fill in as many as you like! Once shared, they will be displayed in the cloakroom area.


Clive is our nursery mascot! Each week, one child will be chosen to take Clive home for the weekend, together with his sleepover bag and diary. Please can you help your child take care of Clive and make a record of ‘his’ weekend events. Clive’s previous diary’s can be found in the cloakroom if you wish to take a look!

Letters and Sounds

We will be starting ‘Letters and Sounds’, you can help at home by asking children to identify the different sounds around them, for example car, bird, lawnmower, leaves rustling.


Many thanks for your continued support

Mrs Simpson and Mrs Gee
