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Emotional Health and Wellbeing

At St.Gregory's we recognise that children's mental health and well being is just as important as their learning.


  • Emotional  – is the ability to be resilient, being able to manage your emotions 
  • Physical well being – is the ability to improve the functioning of your body through healthy eating and good exercise 
  • Social well being – is the ability to communicate, develop meaningful relationships with others 


We offer the following to support all our children:


  • Play Therapy - A social and emotional well being programme 
  • Intervention Teaching - Providing timely support for those with additional needs
  • External Agencies - School Nurse, Behaviour Support Specialist 



Our children have opportunities to participate actively in meaningful decision making by being involved in school council, head/deputy boy and girl and prefects. We also offer many extra curricular activities, promoting well being through both mental and physical activities.


Having a Buddy scheme with Year 6 children, encourages a smooth transition for new children joining our Reception class. 


Providing healthy food options to children encourages healthier lifestyles. 





